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Resident's Interface

Images depict the user-friendly navigation of Zibal-T through the request task. Based on the skill levels of the target users, I use simple instructions and buttons in the design which provides for ease of adoption.

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Zabaleen's Interface


Images depict the request sent out by the resident, the ability for the Zabaleen to go offline or decline a request, and the ability for the Zabaleen to contact the resident.


I emphasize the usefulness and usability of the app in the context of:

1) stressing the ease to learn

2) navigation

3) the time needed to complete tasks

4) providing a user-friendly appearance.

5) a contact option  in case there are traffic jams, lack of parking spaces, or other unforeseen issues. This functionality allows   communication between the resident and the Zabaleen to complete the pickup. 

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Residents' considerations

L screenshot: Residents expressed interest in identifying their service provider by name and face. IDs were added as a form of formalization through S.O.Y. This feature rekindles the relationship and trust between the Zabaleen and the residents.

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Zabaleen's considerations

 L screenshot: Save Regular/Member Address Option.As the app gets more popular, member customers can be added to the route of the trash collector.

R screenshot: Payment method in resident interface. Through focus groups, the Zabaleen suggested using Fawry (sales point service) for membership payment or cash.

During the design and prototyping processes, I maintained close communication with community members and residents via e-mail and phone calls to ensure that pain points and scenarios were discussed with the potential users of Zibal-T.

  • Residents expressed concerns regarding how to best provide for their safety and the importance of knowing who is entering their building. Adding a picture, name, identification number, and contact telephone number was a key feature to resolve these concerns. An additional benefit of this feature is that it reflects the organization and professionalism of the Zabaleen’s services.

  • In the event the trash collector cannot provide the on-demand service at the requested time, the app prompts the resident to schedule a pickup.
  • To keep costs low, S.O.Y. representatives advised me to avoid using credit cards, since credit card transaction fees are incurred. S.O.Y. recommended that resident members make cash only transactions or use a local payment method called Fawry (a popular account payment method in low-income communities) 
  • Drivers can add new resident customers to their list of future pickups, if the residents elect to be regulars (see below).

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